Daisy on the Ohoopee

Depression in Childhood

Author Arvind Otta
SKU 978-93-91724-36-8
Category Mental Health
Tags Awareness, Health, Knowledge
Year 2014


Depression in Childhood explains the cause and symptoms of depression in childhood. This book can help caretakers and parents to identify behavioural changes and other indicators. 

There can be various symptoms of depression:
Sadness throughout the day and especially in the morning.
Sudden weight gain or loss.
Increase in irritability
Feeling tired and weak almost every day.
Feeling unworthy or guilty.
Difficulty in staying focused and making decisions.
Sleeping too much or too little almost every day.
Dullness in all activities.
Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide.
Feeling restless or lethargic.

But the symptoms may be different in children, this book throws light on this problem in detail.

Additional information

Author Arvind Otta
SKU 978-93-91724-36-8
Category Mental Health
Tags Awareness, Health, Knowledge
Year 2014
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